Our Products
Meet the various products of Chamber.Inc, the leading sterilization company in Korea.
대한민국의 멸균 대표기업 (주)챔버의 다양한 제품을 만나보세요.Sterilization Academy
Chamber.Inc as a leading sterilization company in Korea, is conducting various online and offline education to strengthen the sterilization theory competency of practitioners in hospitals and related institutions.
(주)챔버는 대한민국 멸균대표기업으로써 병원 및 관련기관 실무자의 멸균 이론의 역량을 강화하기 위해 온/오프라인의 다양한 교육을 활발하게 진행하고 있습니다.
We are Chamber.Inc
Chamber produces products and systems for reliable sterilization monitoring based on systematic research on sterilization and advanced knowledge, distributes them to hospitals and institutions at home and abroad.
챔버는 멸균에 대한 체계적인 연구와 고도의 지식을 바탕으로 신뢰할 수 있는 멸균 모니터링을 위한 제품과 시스템을 생산하여 국내외 병원 및 기관에 보급하고 있습니다.Chamber News

2022 Busan KIMES Sterilization Seminar
Chamber Co., Ltd. held a seminar to deliver the latest sterilization theory and knowledge to university/general hospitals and other local hospital sterilizers. This seminar was held in the seminar room on the 1st floor of Busan Bexco Exhibition Hall 2, and it was successfully completed with high interest and expectations. 2022 부산 KIMES 멸균세미나 …

Chamber Goes to WFHSS 2022 of World Sterilization Society
Chamber Co., Ltd. will participate in WFHSS (World Sterilization Society) held in Barcelona from November 16th to 19th. On the society website, we are promoting that Chamber Co., Ltd. is sponsoring. I hope there will be a lot of good news from this WFHSS (World Society for Sterilization Society) conference. (주)챔버 세계멸균학회 WFHSS 2022에 …

The Sterilization Advancement Association, which was together, gathers again
Due to Corona 19, the ‘Sterilization Advancement Association meeting’ was not held, but on September 24th (Sat), we held a meeting at the main building of Chamber.Inc It was a short time, but we promised to meet again, and hit the meeting. Chamber.Inc is dreaming of becoming an advanced sterilizer. A dream shared by …

Steelco Asia Branch Manager visits Chamber.Inc
On September 21st (Wednesday), Michele, the head of steelco’s Asian branch, visited the headquarters of Chamber Co., Ltd. We had a meeting with various contents, but we decided to meet again at WFHSS2022 in Barcelona in November. Among the chamber products, there seemed to be a lot of interest in the new Bowie-Dick Test Pack. …
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If you have any questions about Chamber, please contact us directly.